To reach your financial goals, establishing and maintaining the right investment strategy for you is vital. Whether your objective is to keep a little to one side for a rainy day, increase your savings through growth or invest heavily in a future of potential wealth, we can provide the quality advice, comprehensive investment solutions and a meticulous ongoing service to help you.
With such a wide variety of investments and savings options out there, it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to looking after your money.
Our thorough research and expert knowledge, combined with continuous monitoring and analysis of the market allows us to identify the most outstanding, rewarding and beneficial savings products and investment solutions available to suit your needs. Examples of these solutions include investment funds, unit trusts, OEICs and tax efficient investment wrappers (ISAs, GIAs).
H&D Financial Planning Ltd is a fully independent service provider. This means that we are not paid by any one provider and are not tied to recommend certain products.
In line with this, we will never deliver advice that does not outline the best possible option for your requirements and the recommendations that we provide are for the sole benefits of you, our client.
The investment planning process is focused entirely around you and your needs. Developing the best investment strategy for you means fully understanding your financial circumstances and investment objectives. That’s why the planning process first begins with a fact finding and goal planning stage which involves analysing your current assets and liabilities, establishing targets relating to your investment horizon and considering any specific requirements.
The next stage involves assessing your risk profile, through specially designed attitude to risk and capacity for loss questionnaires and detailed discussions with your adviser to thoroughly understand your risk appetite. This ensures that the investment solutions we recommend are tailored to suit your tolerance and feel comfortable investing your money.
The financial landscape is constantly evolving with market movements and regulatory changes continually creating new exciting opportunities and possible threats. In short, the financial world does not stand still and your financial plan shouldn’t either. As part of our ongoing service, we will regularly review and monitor your financial plan to ensure the continued suitability of our recommendations and to make sure you stay on track to reach your goals.
Similarly, your personal circumstances and investment objectives may change over time. Whether these changes are due to life’s unexpected surprises or a development in your risk appetite, regular reviews help keep you in control by allowing us to alter our recommendations to match your new needs.
Get in touch today to find out how we can help you to achieve your investment goals.
The value of your investments and income from them may go down. You may not get back the original amount invested.