Regardless of your stage in life, it is important to receive expert, professional advice on your pension plans and requirements to achieve the best possible outcome for your retirement. Whether you are looking to plan your pathway to retirement, or want to review your existing pension arrangements, H&D Financial Planning is in a position to help.
There are many different tax efficient pension schemes available, but they all have the same aim of helping you to save money and provide you with a comfortable income in retirement.
The types of pension contracts that we cover include Stakeholder pensions, Personal Pension Plans (PPPs), Group Personal Pension Plans, Executive Pension Plans, Employers Schemes (Occupational Pensions) and Self-Invested Personal Pension Plans.
It is true that the UK pensions regime is fairly complicated and in a seemingly constant state of flux. There are many different types of pension scheme, from employer sponsored schemes where the member has no say in how benefits are paid or the investment choice, to personal arrangements where the member has full control.
The area is complex, however through a detailed understanding of your personal circumstances, retirement goals and careful tax considerations, we can find the right option for you.
Many people have a number of old defined contribution pensions from previous employers, and possibly one or more personal pensions. Each of these plans or schemes will have different cost structures and each contain different investment funds and options from ‘high risk’ investments, to just sitting in cash.
Ensuring you have the correct investment strategy for your requirements so that the returns generated are in line with expectations, the best charging structure for your needs and a pension plan that allows you to spend your money in the most efficient way is absolutely crucial to achieving your goals.
A pension switch or transfer to simplify and align your plans could save you thousands of pounds while reducing risk.
Retirement planning is all about knowing how to maximise the capital and income from your pension arrangements and other assets you may have. This needs to take into consideration your personal circumstances, your beneficiaries, tax implications including inheritance tax, flexibility and the level of control you desire.
H&D Financial Planning can provide detailed advice to help you make the best of your retirement planning, following a thorough financial review, by selecting the best retirement option to suit your needs. Examples of the options available to you include drawing benefits from your current scheme, purchasing an annuity, capped and flexible drawdown (pension fund withdrawal), phased retirement, drawing benefits under the Uncrystallised Fund Pension Lump Sum (UFPLS) rules and combination plans.
Get in touch today to find out how we can help you get the most out of your pension.
A pension is a long-term investment. The fund value may fluctuate and can go down. Your eventual income may depend on the size of the fund at retirement, future interest rates and tax legislation.